Papini, Giovanni

Papini, Giovanni

Italian author
born Jan. 9, 1881, Florence, Italy
died July 8, 1956, Florence

      journalist, critic, poet, and novelist, one of the most outspoken and controversial Italian literary figures of the early and mid-20th century. He was influential first as a fiercely iconoclastic editor and writer, then as a leader of Italian Futurism, and finally as a spokesman for Roman Catholic religious belief.

      Though largely self-educated, Papini soon became a literary leader in Florence. He was a founder of an influential Florentine literary magazine, Leonardo (1903). During this period he wrote several violently antitraditionalist works, such as Il crepuscolo dei filosofi (1906; “The Twilight of the Philosophers”), in which he expressed disenchantment with traditional philosophies. One of his best-known and most frequently translated books is the autobiographical novel Un uomo finito (1912; A ManFinished; U.S. title, The Failure), a candid account of his early years in Florence and his desires for ideological certainty and personal achievement.

      Papini had already become an enthusiastic adherent of Futurism, and he founded another Florentine periodical, Lacerba (1913), to further its aims. In 1921 Papini was reconverted to the Roman Catholicism in which he had been reared. A number of religious works followed, notably Storia di Cristo (1921; The Story of Christ), a vivid and realistic re-creation of the life of Jesus; Pane e vino (1926; “Bread and Wine”), a volume of religious poetry; and Sant'Agostino (1929; St. Augustine).

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  • Papini, Giovanni — (1881–1956)    A self taught intellectual of formidable energy and power but little precision, Giovanni Papini was a tireless editor and literary entrepreneur. Nevertheless, he is chiefly remembered today for his paean of praise for Fascism,… …   Historical Dictionary of modern Italy

  • Papini, Giovanni — ► (1881 1956) Escritor y ensayista italiano. Autor de novelas, libros de poesía y ensayos filosóficos, históricos, religiosos y literarios. Obras: Historia de Cristo (1921), Dante vivo (1933), Un hombre acabado (1912) o las póstumas El juicio… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Papini, Giovanni — (Firenze 1881 1956) scrittore e saggista ; fondatore e direttore de “Il Leonardo”, “Lacerba” e “L’Anima”; direttore de “La Voce” e “La Rinascita”; accademico d’Italia. collab./opere: “Il Regno, “Hermes”, “Il Selvaggio”, “Pegaso”, “Il… …   Dizionario biografico elementare del Novecento letterario italiano

  • Papini — Papini, Giovanni …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Giovanni Papini — (* 9. Januar 1881 in Florenz; † 8. Juli 1956 ebenda) war ein italienischer Schriftsteller. Anfangs dem Pragmatismus und Futurismus zugewandt, findet in seinem Spätwerk sein tiefer katholischer Glaube Ausdruck. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Giovanni Papini — (Florencia, 9 de enero de 1881 íd. 8 de julio de 1956) fue un escritor italiano. Inicialmente escéptico, posteriormente pasó a ser un fervoroso católico. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Fascismo y últimos años 3 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Papini — Giovanni Papini (* 9. Januar 1881 in Florenz; † 8. Juli 1956 ebenda) war ein italienischer Schriftsteller. Anfangs dem Pragmatismus und Futurismus zugewandt, findet in seinem Spätwerk sein tiefer katholischer Glaube Ausdruck. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PAPINI (G.) — PAPINI GIOVANNI (1881 1956) Après une enfance pauvre, Giovanni Papini adolescent s’enthousiasma pour une culture littéraire et scientifique animée par l’idéal d’omniscience prôné par le positivisme fin de siècle. Il enseigne, devient journaliste …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Papini — Papini,   Giovanni, Pseudonym Gian Fạlco, italienischer Schriftsteller, * Florenz 9. 1. 1881, ✝ ebenda 8. 7. 1956; gründete und leitete mehrere literarische Zeitschriften (1903 mit G. Prezzolini »Leonardo«; 1908 12 Mitarbeiter von »La Voce«;… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Giovanni Papini — Giovanni Papini, né à Florence le 9 janvier 1881 et mort le 8 juillet 1956, est un écrivain italien, qui « continue de susciter une grande attention critique en France et en Italie »[1]. Sa pensée satirique est controversée en raison de …   Wikipédia en Français

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