Páez, Pedro

Páez, Pedro

Spanish priest
in full  Pedro Páez Xaramillo,  also called  Pero Páez 
born 1564, Olmedo, Spain
died May 20, 1622, Gorgora, Ethiopia

      learned Jesuit priest who, in the tradition of Frumentiusfounder of the Ethiopian church (Ethiopian Orthodox church)—went as a missionary to Ethiopia, where he became known as the second apostle of Ethiopia.

      Páez entered the Society of Jesus in 1582 and sailed for Goa, in India, in 1588. En route to Ethiopia (1589) he was captured by Turkish pirates and enslaved until 1596, when he returned to Goa. He finally reached Ethiopia in 1603. There he learned two of the main languages, translated a catechism, and wrote a treatise on the theological errors of the Ethiopian church and a history of the country. He succeeded in converting some Ethiopians to Roman Catholicism. In 1618 he traced the source of the Blue Nile (Blue Nile River) to Lake Tana (Tana, Lake).

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