Ozenfant, Amédée

Ozenfant, Amédée

French painter
born April 15, 1886, Saint-Quentin, France
died May 4, 1966, Cannes

      French painter and theoretician, who cofounded the 20th-century art movement known as Purism.

      Ozenfant studied art in France at Saint-Quentin before moving to Paris in 1905. In 1906 he enrolled as a painting and architecture student at the Academy of the Palette. In 1915 he founded, with Max Jacob (Jacob, Max) and Guillaume Apollinaire (Apollinaire, Guillaume), the review L'Élan, which aimed to maintain communication between avant-garde artists serving in the war and those who remained in Paris. The review published essays discussing the principles of Cubism, notably Ozenfant'sNotes on Cubism” (1916), which appeared in the final issue.

      By 1917 Ozenfant was disillusioned with Cubism, feeling that it had sacrificed its original purity and rigour and had become a mere decorative vehicle. He met the Swiss artist and architect Charles-Édouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier (Corbusier, Le)) in 1918, and within a year they formulated and published a bookAprès le Cubisme (1918; “After Cubism”)—in which they outlined the aesthetic approach they called Purism. Emphasizing the principles of order, rationality, and precision, the Purist style called for a new Classicism based upon the aesthetic of modern technology. In Ozenfant's own paintings, he stressed clarity, serenity, and economy of means, typically creating still lifes in which he reduced objects to flat planes of neutral colour within a rigid architectonic framework.

      In 1919 Ozenfant and Le Corbusier founded the avant-garde review L'Esprit Nouveau, in which they explored the sources and directions of contemporary art. Ozenfant's definitive work on this subject, the two-volume L'Art, was published in 1928 (translated into English as The Foundations of Modern Art in 1931). From 1931 to 1938 he painted a massive figural composition in the Purist style entitled Life.

      In 1932 Ozenfant established his own art school in Paris, Académie Ozenfant. He moved to London in 1935 and founded the Ozenfant School of Fine Arts. In 1939 he moved to New York City, where he served as the head of the Ozenfant School of Fine Arts until he returned to France in 1955.

Additional Reading
Susan L. Ball, Ozenfant and Purism: The Evolution of a Style, 19151930; William W. Braham, Modern Color/Modern Architecture: Amédée Ozenfant's Academy of Fine Art (1981).

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