Oxford English Dictionary, The

Oxford English Dictionary, The

English dictionary
 definitive historical dictionary of the English language, originally consisting of 12 volumes and a 1-volume supplement. The dictionary is a corrected and updated revision of A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), which was published in 10 volumes from February 1, 1884, to April 19, 1928, and which was designed to provide an inventory of words in use in English since the mid-12th century (and in some cases even earlier). In 1933 the New English Dictionary was reissued in 12 volumes (together with a 1-volume supplement) as The Oxford English Dictionary. Both the NED and OED were published by the Clarendon Press of Oxford.

      Arranged mostly in order of historical occurrence, the definitions in the OED are illustrated with about 2,400,000 dated quotations from English-language literature and records. The aim of the dictionary (as stated in the 1933 edition) isto present in alphabetical series the words that have formed the English vocabulary from the time of the earliest records down to the present day, with all the relevant facts concerning their form, sense-history, and etymology.”

      The publication of the dictionary was first suggested to the Philological Society (London) in 1857, and the collection of materials began soon thereafter. Editorial work began in 1879 with the appointment of James Murray (Murray, Sir James), who was at that time president of the Philological Society, as editor in chief. Murray, during his term as editor, was responsible for approximately half of the dictionary, including the letters a through d, h through k, o, p, and t. Succeeding editors included Henry Bradley, William Alexander Craigie, and C.T. Onions.

      A micrographically reproduced 2-volume edition of the 1933 12-volume OED and its supplement appeared in 1971, entitled The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary.

      A Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary, 4 vol. (197286), treating words that came into use in the English-speaking world after the preparation of the OED, was begun in 1955 under the editorial direction of R.W. Burchfield and was published by the Clarendon Press.

      The second edition of The Oxford English Dictionary, known as OED2, was published in 20 volumes in 1989 by the Oxford University Press. Its coeditors were John A. Simpson and Edmund S.C. Weiner. The second edition includes in one alphabetical sequence all the words defined in the original 12-volume OED and the 5 supplementary volumes. A CD-ROM version of the OED2 became available in 1992. Two volumes of Additions were published in 1993 and 1997, and work was begun on a complete revision of the entire corpus for the projected third edition. Material from this project, as well as the entire second edition and its supplements, was accessible on the dictionary's Web site.

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Universalium. 2010.

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