Øverland, Arnulf

Øverland, Arnulf

Norwegian poet
born April 27, 1889, Kristiansund, Norway
died March 25, 1968, Oslo
 Norwegian poet, painter, and socialist whose poems helped inspire the Norwegian resistance movement during the German occupation in World War II.

      The early death of Øverland's father, an engineer, left the family in economic straits, but his mother managed to support Øverland while he attended school. He studied philology briefly at King Frederick's University (now the University of Oslo). His first book of poems, Den ensomme fest (1911; “The Lonely Feast”), introduces the economy and clarity of style that were to distinguish Øverland's work. All his life Øverland was an uncompromising defender of the oppressed, but not until after World War I, in his Brød og vin (1919; “Bread and Wine”), did he develop a radical opposition to bourgeois society and Christianity and recognize a need to make his poetry into a social weapon. Hustavler (1929; “Laws of Living”), featuring poems about Norway but also poems about life, is, as one critic wrote, the most successful fusion of his human and artistic development. His poems of the 1930s were intended to alert Norwegians to the danger of fascism and Nazism. The best-known of these is "Du ikke sove!" (1937; “You Must Not Sleep!”). The poems that he directed against the Nazi occupation and that he wrote and distributed secretly in 1940 led to a four-year imprisonment in a German concentration camp. When he was liberated in May 1945, the Norwegian government presented him with the old home of the great national poet, Henrik Wergeland (Wergeland, Henrik Arnold), as an expression of gratitude.

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