Orlov (diamond) — For the chicken breed, see Orloff (chicken). Orlov Diamond Copy of the Orlov Diamond. Note: It is actually turned upside down in this photo Weight 189.62 carats (37.9 g) Country of origin … Wikipedia
Orlov — For other uses, see Orlov (disambiguation). Count Grigory Orlov, by Fyodor Rokotov Orlov (Russian: Орлóв) is the name of a Russian noble family which produced several distinguished statesmen, diplomatists and soldiers. The family first gained… … Wikipedia
Diamond Fund — Daffodil Bouquet, eighteenth century, exhibited in Diamond Fund. 1971 postage stamp Coordinates … Wikipedia
Orlov (disambiguation) — Orlov (Орлов), also spelled Orloff in English, is a common Russian last name and originates from the Russian word: orel, meaning eagle Contents 1 People 2 Places 3 Other 4 See also … Wikipedia
Great Mogul diamond — ▪ gem the largest diamond ever found in India. It was discovered as a 787 carat rough stone in the Golconda mines in 1650 and subsequently was cut by the Venetian lapidary Hortentio Borgis. The French jewel trader Jean Baptiste Tavernier… … Universalium
Crown jewels — The Imperial State Crown of the United Kingdom Crown jewels are jewels or artifacts of the reigning royal family of their respective country. They belong to monarchs and are passed to the next sovereign to symbolize the right to rule. They may… … Wikipedia
Орлов (алмаз) — Алмаз «Орлов» в Императорском скипетре Рисунок алмаза «Орлов» из книги «Precious Stones» Макса Бауэра, опубликованной в 1904 году Орлов самый крупный и знаменитый из семи исторических драгоценных камней Алмазного фонда, с 1784 года украшающий… … Википедия
List of Russian people — The Millennium of Russia monument in Veliky Novgorod, featuring the statues and reliefs of the most celebrated people in the first 1000 years of Russian history … Wikipedia
Imperial Crown of Russia — The Imperial Crown of Russia, also known as the Great Imperial Crown, is the crown that was used by the Emperors of Russia until the abolition of the monarchy in 1917. The Great Imperial Crown was first used in a coronation by Catherine II, and… … Wikipedia
Charles Burney — For other people named Charles Burney, see Charles Burney (disambiguation). Charles Burney by Sir Joshua Reynolds in 1781 Charles Burney FRS (7 April 1726 – 12 April 1814) was an English music historian and father of authors Frances Burney and… … Wikipedia