Olympio, Sylvanus

Olympio, Sylvanus

president of Togo
born September 1902, Lomé, Togoland [now Togo]
died Jan. 13, 1963, Lomé

      nationalist politician and first president of Togo who was the first presidential victim of a wave of military coups that occurred in Africa in the 1960s.

      A leader of the Committee of Togolese Unity after World War II, Olympio was elected president of the first territorial assembly in 1946 and by 1947 was in open (though nonviolent) conflict with Togoland's French colonial administration. One of his main early concerns was to unite the Ewe people, who were divided by the boundaries of British and French Togoland. His hopes were dashed in 1956, however, when British Togoland voted by plebiscite to join the Gold Coast (which became independent Ghana in 1957).

      Between 1952 and 1958 Olympio was out of office. When Togo received limited self-government in 1956, his rival Nicholas Grunitzky became prime minister. In UN-supervised elections in 1958, however, Olympio's party won an overwhelming victory, and he became prime minister, leading Togo to complete independence in 1960. He was elected president in 1961, under a constitution granting extensive presidential powers. Togo became a one-party state, but its seeming stability was deceptive. Many Togolese, especially those with Western education, resented the regime's authoritarianism; northern leaders felt left out of the predominantly southern government, and the more radical members of Juvento (once the party's youth wing) wanted Olympio to be less dependent on French aid. By early 1963 some Juvento leaders were in detention and other opposition figures had left the country. In January 1963 Olympio was assassinated in the first successful army coup in postwar sub-Saharan Africa.

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