oil plant

oil plant

      any of the numerous plants, either under cultivation or growing wild, used as sources of oil. Oil plants include trees such as palm, herbaceous plants such as flax, and even fungi (Fusarium).

      Vegetable oils are used principally for food (mostly as shortening, margarines, and salad and cooking oils) and in the manufacture of soap and detergents, in paints and varnishes, and for a variety of other industrial items.

      Oil is found in large amounts usually in the seeds of the plants and occasionally in the fleshy part of the fruit, as in the olive and the oil palm. Seeds may contain from 1 percent to more than 60 percent oil. The oil is a reserve of high-energy food for use by the germinating seed, and large amounts of oil are associated with large amounts of protein. After the oil is extracted from the oilseeds, the residual meal, or cake, remaining is so important a by-product that it frequently determines the value of an oil crop. Usually this meal is used as a protein concentrate to feed livestock and poultry; if it is poisonous, as with castor beans and tung nuts, it is used as fertilizer.

      Most of the important oil crops, including the oil palm, the castor bean, and the coconut palm, grow in tropical and semitropical areas, particularly the tropical areas of West and Central Africa, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. In cool, temperate regions, the oil crops are soybean, flax, sunflower, and plants of the mustard family. Most oil plants, with the exception of herbs such as mint, are not readily adaptable to mechanical cultivation. The oil palm produces the most oil per acre of any crop.

      Several oils, such as cottonseed oil and corn oil, are by-products of other industries. Even weed seeds removed from cereal grain in large terminal elevators may be processed for their oil, particularly wild radish and wild mustard.

      Oil has been obtained from plants since the beginning of recorded history for oil-burning lamps and for anointing and cooking. castor oil was used as a lubricant for wheels of carts and wagons before the petroleum era. In the 19th century, margarine was developed in France as a substitute for butter. During the 20th century, the production of vegetable oils has grown to more than 100 billion pounds annually. Edible oils that are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid have become popular, particularly in the United States, since the 1950s, and this has stimulated interest in sunflower, safflower, and corn oils. See also oil extraction.

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