

ancient city, Iraq
modern  Yorghan Tepe 

      ancient Mesopotamian city, located southwest of Kirkūk, Iraq. Excavations undertaken there by American archaeologists in 192531 revealed material extending from the prehistoric period to Roman, Parthian, and Sāsānian periods. In Akkadian times (23342154 BC) the site was called Gasur; but early in the 2nd millennium BC the Hurrians, of northern Mesopotamia, occupied the city, changed its name to Nuzu, and during the 16th and 15th centuries built there a prosperous community and an important administrative centre.

      Excavations uncovered excellent material for a study of Hurrian ceramics and glyptic art. An especially outstanding type of pottery, called Nuzu ware (or Mitanni ware) because of its original discovery there, was characterized by one primary shapea tall, slender, small-footed gobletand an intricate black and white painted decoration. In addition to these extraordinary ceramic artifacts, more than 4,000 cuneiform tablets were discovered at the site. Although written mostly in Akkadian, the majority of the personal names are Hurrian, and the Akkadian used often shows strong Hurrian influence. The Nuzu material also made possible an insight into specific Hurrian family law and societal institutions and clarified many difficult passages in the contemporary patriarchal narratives of the Book of Genesis.

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