

      town, Oise département, Picardy région, northern France. It lies north-northeast of Paris. The town, on the lower slopes and at the foot of a hill, occupies both banks of the Verse River, which is a tributary of the Oise. Noyon formerly was an important ecclesiastical centre. Its Cathedral of Notre-Dame is a fine transitional late 12th-century Romanesque-Gothic edifice. The fifth church to be built on the site, it was restored after heavy damage in World War I. The Hôtel de Ville (town hall) and old ecclesiastical buildings were also ruined in the war but have been rebuilt.

      The house in which the Geneva theologian John Calvin was born in 1509 has been rebuilt and contains a museum devoted to him. Charlemagne (later Holy Roman emperor) was crowned king of the western Frankish kingdom of Neustria at Noyon in 768; and Hugh Capet, king of France and founder of the Capetian dynasty (which ruled directly until 1328), was also crowned at Noyon, in 987. The modern town has metalworking, chemical, and food-processing plants. Pop. (1999) 14,471; (2006 est.) 14,260.

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