novelty song

novelty song


      popular song that is either written and performed as a novelty or that becomes a novelty when removed from its original context. Regardless of which of these two categories applies, the assumption is that the song is popular because of its novelty, because it sounds different from everything else being played on the radio or jukebox. It follows that novelty hits are unique; the second time around, the sound is no longer novel. However, a novelty song can change people's listening assumptions, and hits that the record industry has treated as novelties have often turned out to be precursors of new musical styles.

      Songs written and performed as novelties have usually been comic songs, in a tradition that goes back to British music hall (music hall and variety) hits such asLaughing Policeman.” Comic records, such as Bill Buchanan and Dickie Goodman'sThe Flying Saucer” (1956) and Sheb Wooley'sPurple People Eater” (1958), sold particularly well in the 1950s. Comedians such as Stan Freberg and Peter Sellers were specializing in musical satire and directing their wit at the new music at the time when rock and roll records were first heard.

      The market for joke records, however, declined after the 1950s for a variety of reasons. First, in the 1950s there was a perceived children's music market, the demands of which were met partly by singing cartoon characters. By the end of the decade, children had become, in commercial terms, miniteenagers; since then the appeal of cartoon groups such as the Chipmunks or the Wombles has been limited. Second, the comedy and music scenes diverged as comedians moved from radio to television. There were TV comedies aimed primarily at the youth audience (e.g., Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Simpsons, Beavis and Butt-head), but the musical output of those programs and their central characters rarely received much airplay or generated many sales. Third, records that parodied rock music lost their bite as rock became the dominant form of popular music. Freberg's version of Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis) in the 1950s was much sharper thanWeird AlYankovic's version of Michael Jackson (Jackson, Michael) in the 1980s because it was much more contemptuous.

      Noncomic novelty songs either reflect nonmusical events (the British charts fill up with football-related songs during the [ref dict="Britannica Book of the Year"]World Cup competition, for instance) or show off new instrumental (instrumentals) sounds (the Tornadoes' 1962 hitTelstarwas the first of many electronic novelties). This is the context in which the second category of novelty song is significant:exotichits cross the world to be heard on Western radio (early examples were the South African songTom Harkin 1957 and the Japanese recordingSukiyakiin 1962); and tracks from specialist genres turn out to have unexpected pop appeal (Dave Brubeck (Brubeck, Dave)'s jazz numberTake Five,”a hit in 1961; Laurie Anderson's performance art workO Superman,” in 1981).

 Such records are treated as novelties and, in pop terms, remain sotheir commercial success leaves no mark on either pop history or the musicians concerned. But there are also songs that are at first treated as novelties and then become normalized. This reflects in part the way in which the media react to any new phenomenonPresley made to sing to a real hound dog during an early television appearance, for example, or a TV producer's determination to show Jimi Hendrix (Hendrix, Jimi) using his teeth to playHey Joeon the guitar. And new musical genres are often best sold to radio and record companies in a simplified comic form, as were ska, disco, and hip-hop, respectively, with Millie Small'sMy Boy Lollipop” (1964), 'sDisco Duck” (1976), and the Sugarhill Gang'sRapper's Delight” (1979). It is also true, however, that records that initially sound peculiar cease to as people learn their language. It is in this wayas an entry pointthat novelty songs have played an important role in the history of rock music.

Simon Frith

Representative Works

Buchanan and Goodman, “The Flying Saucer” (1956)
The Tornadoes, “Telstar” (1962)
Napoleon XIV, “They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!” (1966)
Desmond Dekker and the Aces, “Israelites” (1969)
Eric Weissberg and Steve Mandell, “Dueling Banjos” (1973)
Rick Dees and His Cast of Idiots, “Disco Duck” (1976)
M, “Pop Muzik” (1979)
Laurie Anderson, “O Superman” (1981)
Kaoma, “Lambada” (1991)
Spice Girls, “Wannabe” (1997)

Additional Reading
By its nature the novelty song has not attracted much serious study, but Karal Ann Marling, “When Elvis Cut His Hair: The Meaning of Mobility,” in her As Seen on TV: The Visual Culture of Everyday Life in the 1950s (1994), chapter 5, pp. 164201, includes a good account of the 1950s novelty of rock and roll and offers entertaining evidence of how hard the media had to struggle to make sense of Presley's success.

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Universalium. 2010.

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