Noske, Gustav

Noske, Gustav

German politician
born July 9, 1868, Brandenburg, Prussia [Germany]
died Nov. 30, 1946, Hannover, Ger.

      right-wing Social Democratic German politician, notorious for his ruthless suppression of a communist uprising in Berlin, who was defense minister of the Weimar Republic from 1919 to 1920.

      A member of the Reichstag (parliament), Noske became controversial within his own party for his support of imperial military and colonial programs. He joined other conservative socialists after 1914 in supporting Germany's participation in World War I. Regarded as his party's military expert, he was commissioned by the last imperial government to restore order at Kiel following the sailors' mutiny of October 1918. In December he was elected to the six-member ruling council, which, until the accession of the Weimar National Assembly (February 1919), provided an interim republican government for Germany.

      In January 1919 Noske was called upon to suppress the communist insurrection in Berlin, a task that he accomplished brutally but with dispatch. He served as minister of defense in the first Weimar Cabinet from February 1919 until he resigned in March 1920 under growing socialist criticism in the aftermath of an abortive right-wing attempt to overthrow the government (the Kapp Putsch). Subsequently, Noske served as governor of the province of Hanover (192033) and in July 1944 took part in the unsuccessful coup against Adolf Hitler.

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