Nooteboom, Cees

Nooteboom, Cees

Dutch author
in full  Cornelis Johannes Jacobus Maria Nooteboom 
born July 31, 1933, The Hague, Neth.

      Dutch writer known for his novels and travel writing.

      Nooteboom was educated at an Augustinian monastery school at Eindhoven, Netherlands. He wrote his first novel, Philip en de anderen (Philip and the Others), in 1955. Then, working as a travel columnist for the Dutch periodicals Avenue and Elsevier, Nooteboom published a number of collections of travel essays, including Een nacht in Tunesie (1965; “A Night in Tunisia”), Een avond in Isfahan: reisverhalen uit Perzie, Gambia, Duitsland, Japan, Engeland, Madeira, en Maleisie (1978; “An Evening in Isfahan: Travel Writings from Persia, Gambia, Germany, Japan, England, Madeira, and Malaysia”), De zucht naar het Westen (1985; “The Yearning for the West”), and Berlijnse notities (1990; “Berlin Notes”). Having for many years lived part of each year in Spain, he produced an hour-long film on the pilgrimage to the Spanish commune of Santiago de Compostela and published Omweg naar Santiago (1997; The Roads to Santiago). His other nonfiction includes Nooit gebouwd Nederland (1983; Unbuilt Netherlands), an account of several visionary design projects conceived by Dutch architects.

      Nooteboom's novel Rituelen (1980; Rituals) is a study of chaos, order, and obsession. Myth and reality are contrasted in Een lied van schijn en wezen (1981; A Song of Truth and Semblance) and in the fable-novel In Nederland (1984; In the Dutch Mountains); in both of these works, the lives of the narratorswho are authorsbecome interwoven with the lives of their characters. In Volgende verhaal (1993; The Following Story), a man falls asleep in Amsterdam but wakes up in Portugal; he must then examine his memories and regrets in order to understand why and how he arrived in this other place.

      Nooteboom's poetry, in such collections as Het zwarte gedicht (1960; “The Black Poem”), Aas: gedichten (1982; “Carrion: Poetry”), and Rollende stenen (1991; “Rolling Stones”), is largely concerned with mortality and the passage of time.

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