Noailles, Louis-Marie, vicomte de
- Noailles, Louis-Marie, vicomte de
▪ French statesman and army officer
born April 17, 1756, Paris, France
died January 9, 1804, at sea near Cuba
second son of the marshal of Mouchy and one of the most distinguished members of the Noailles family in France.
When the French Revolution became more pronounced,
the vicomte de Noailles emigrated to the United States and became a partner in Bingham'
s Bank at Philadelphia.
He was very successful but left the bank to accept a command against the English in Saint Domingue (
under the comte de Rochambeau (
Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, comte de).
He made a brilliant defense of the Môle Saint-
Nicolas and escaped with the garrison to Cuba;
but in making for Havana his ship was attacked by an English frigate,
and after a long engagement he was severely wounded and died of his injuries.
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Louis-Marie, vicomte de Noailles — (* 1756; † 9. Januar 1804 in Havanna, Kuba) war ein französischer General und Geschäftsmann. Louis Marie war der jüngere der zwei Söhne des Marschalls Philippe de Noailles Mouchy. Er nahm an Lafayettes Expedition nach Amerika teil und war der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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