Nihon shoki

Nihon shoki

Japanese chronicles
also called  Nihon-gi 

      (Japanese:Chronicles of Japan”), text that, together with the Kojiki (q.v.), comprises the oldest official history of Japan, covering the period from its mythical origins to AD 697.

      The Nihon shoki, written in Chinese, reflects the influence of Chinese civilization on Japan. It was compiled in 720 by order of the imperial court to give the newly Sinicized court a history that could be compared with the annals of the Chinese. It was the first of six officially compiled chronicles that were continued to 887 by imperial command.

      The Nihon shoki consists of 30 chapters. The first part deals with many myths and legends of ancient Japan and is an important source for Shintō thought. The later chapters, for the period from about the 5th century on, are historically more accurate and contain records of several of the politically powerful clans as well as of the imperial family. Among the events described are the introduction of Buddhism and the Taika reforms of the 7th century.

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