New Apostolic Church

New Apostolic Church

      church organized in Germany in 1863 as the Universal Catholic Church, by members of the Catholic Apostolic Church who believed that new apostles must be appointed to replace deceased apostles and rule the church until the Second Coming of Christ. The present name was adopted in 1906. Its doctrines are similar to the parent church, but the new church was influenced by continental Protestantism, and over time its worship services and tendencies became less Catholic and more Protestant.

      The church emphasizes the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which include prophecy, speaking in tongues, and miraculous healing. Sacraments are baptism, Holy Communion, and holy sealing (thedispensing and reception of the Holy Spirit”). Sealing can only be conferred by the laying on of hands on the head of a member by an apostle, and it assures the member of participation in Christ's rule on Earth for 1,000 years after he returns. Like the Latter-day Saints, the New Apostolic Church teaches that the sacraments can be received by a living member for a dead person.

      The church is ruled by a hierarchy composed of the chief apostle and the other apostles. The apostles appoint bishops, district elders, pastors, and evangelists. By the late 20th century the New Apostolic Church had more than 2,000,000 members, most of them in Germany. The church's headquarters are in Zürich, Switz.

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Universalium. 2010.

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