neritic zone

neritic zone

      shallow marine environment extending from mean low water down to 200-metre (660-foot) depths, generally corresponding to the continental shelf. Neritic waters are penetrated by varying amounts of sunlight, which permits photosynthesis by both planktonic and bottom-dwelling organisms. The zone is characterized by relatively abundant nutrients and biologic activity because of its proximity to land. Coarse, land-derived materials generally constitute the bottom sediments, except in some low-latitude regions that favour production of calcium carbonate sediments by such organisms as algae, bacteria, and corals.

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  • neritic zone — noun the ocean waters from the low tide mark to a depth of about 100 fathoms • Hypernyms: ↑ocean floor, ↑sea floor, ↑ocean bottom, ↑seabed, ↑sea bottom, ↑Davy Jones s locker, ↑Davy Jones …   Useful english dictionary

  • neritic — [nē rit′ik, nərit′ik] adj. [< Gr nēritēs, a sea snail (< Nereus, NEREUS) + IC] designating or of the ecological zone (neritic zone) of the continental shelf extending from low tide to a depth of c. 100 fathoms ( c. 180 m) …   English World dictionary

  • neritic — adjective 1. of or relating to the region of the sea over the continental shelf which is less than 200 meters deep neritic fauna neritic oil • Pertains to noun: ↑neritic zone 2. relating to the region of shallow water adjoining the seacoast… …   Useful english dictionary

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