Nemesius Of Emesa

Nemesius Of Emesa

Christian bishop and philosopher

flourished 4th century

      Christian philosopher, apologist, and bishop of Emesa (now Ḥimṣ, Syria) who was the author of Peri physeōs anthrōpou (Greek:On the Nature of Man”), the first known compendium of theological anthropology with a Christian orientation. The treatise considerably influenced later Byzantine and medieval Latin philosophical theology.

      A man of extensive culture, Nemesius integrated elements from various sources of Hellenistic philosophical and medical literature. He used the experimental physiology of the 2nd-century Greek physician Galen and the observations of other men of science, the philosophy of Neoplatonic Idealism (Alexandrian influence), and Aristotelian Realism (Antiochene influence). The result is a Christian synthesis that cannot be characterized as representing any specific philosophical school. “On the Nature of Manlacks logical unity in its arrangement of material, and its abrupt ending indicates that the work was unfinished or was intended for revision. The opening chapter criticizes the concepts of man advanced by the Greeks from Plato to the 3rd-century Christian sectarians; it then emphasizes the place of man in the plan of creation as delineated in the Mosaic literature of the Old Testament and in the letters of St. Paul. Because man bridges the spiritual and material worlds, Nemesius maintains, he requires a unique intelligent principle of life, or soul, proportionate to his dignity and responsibility. He submits that the soul must be an incorporeal, intellectual entity, subsistent in itself, immortal, and yet designed to be one with the body. Nemesius implies that it preexists the body but not in the manner of the Platonic myth. Alluding to Antiochene doctrine on Christology, he suggests, in an original manner, that the body-soul relationship parallels Christ's union of the divine Word with his human nature in the incarnation. In subsequent chapters Nemesius examines the function of the brain, the operation of the senses, imagination, memory, reasoning, and speech; this treatment provided medieval philosophers with a wealth of data from Greek Stoic and other classical empirical philosophers. After considering the emotional and irrational (instinctive) functions of the soul, termed involuntary passions, Nemesius concludes with a study of human will. Repudiating Stoic fatalism and astrology and advocating the Christian belief in divine providence, he explains free will as a concomitant of reason: if man is rational, he must operate with a freedom of choice; otherwise his intelligent, deliberative powers are meaningless. Either as a cause or an effect of immortality, volitional powers are given to mutable man so that he might become immutable.

      Such teaching became the keystone of medieval and Renaissance Christian psychology, mediated by other Greek authors from the 5th to the 8th century. Nemesius' work was sometimes attributed to the eminent 4th-century Greek theologian Gregory of Nyssa because of faulty Latin translations.

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