Neihardt, John Gneisenau

Neihardt, John Gneisenau

▪ American poet
born Jan. 8, 1881, near Sharpsburg, Ill., U.S.
died Nov. 3, 1973, Columbia, Mo.

      American poet, novelist, and short-story writer who described the history of American Indians, especially the Sioux.

      Neihardt grew up in Kansas and Nebraska, and it was his contact with the residents of those states, both white and Indian, that led him to write such works as The Lonesome Trail (1907), a collection of short stories about pioneering heroes and the Omaha Indians. The lyric sequence A Bundle of Myrrh (1908) appeared the following year and established his reputation as a lyric poet. Black Elk Speaks (1932) is an autobiographical narrative of the life of a Sioux Indian warrior and holy man.

      From 1910 to 1938 Neihardt was a literary critic for various newspapers. During the 1940s he worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and from 1948 to 1965 he taught English at the University of Missouri, Columbia.

      Neihardt spent almost 30 years on his major work, A Cycle of the West (1949), containing five book-length narrative poems covering the period from the opening of the Missouri Territory until Indian resistance ended in the 1890s. The work is old-fashioned, but it is an authentic, vital picture of the frontier and the people who battled for its control.

      The novel When the Tree Flowered (1951), one of Neihardt's last works, is a sympathetic study of American Indian life.

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Universalium. 2010.

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