- Nazarene, Church of the
▪ American Protestant churchU.S. Protestant church, the product of several mergers stemming from the 19th-century Holiness movement. The first major merger occurred in 1907, uniting the Church of the Nazarene (organized in California in 1895) with the Association of Pentecostal Churches of America (with origins in the northeastern states from 1886 to 1896) to form the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene. In 1908 the Holiness Church of Christ (with origins in the southwestern states from 1894 to 1905) joined the denomination. Later mergers brought in other groups. The term pentecostal, increasingly associated with “speaking in tongues,” a practice foreign to the Nazarenes, was dropped from the name of the church in 1919.The church government is similar to that of the Methodists, but local congregations have more autonomy. In worship there is emphasis on simplicity and revivalistic evangelism. In doctrine the church stands in the tradition of Arminian Methodism, emphasizing God's grace, and regards its unique mission to be the promotion of entire sanctification, which enables a person to live a sinless life, as a work of grace subsequent to conversion.The headquarters of the church, a publishing house, and a theological seminary all are in Kansas City, Mo. The church also operates several colleges and numerous mission schools and hospitals. One of the larger Holiness bodies, its membership was more than 500,000 in the late 20th century.
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Universalium. 2010.