Naruszewicz, Adam

Naruszewicz, Adam

Polish bishop and historian
in full  Adam Stanisław Naruszewicz  
born October 20, 1733, Pinsk, Poland [now in Belarus]
died July 6, 1796, Janów Podlaski, Poland

      Polish poet and historian who was the first Polish historian to use modern methods of scholarship.

      As a young man Naruszewicz entered the Jesuit order and taught in Warsaw at the Jesuit college. After 1773 he became a lay priest and in 1788 was made bishop of Smolensk.

      Dzieła, 4 vol. (1778; “Works”), contains much of Naruszewicz's poetic output, originally published in Zabawy przyjemne i pożyteczne (“Pleasant and Useful Pastimes”), the journal he edited from 1771 to 1777. Naruszewicz's most important work is Historia narodu polskiego od przyjęcia chrześcijaństwa, 7 vol. (178086; “The History of the Polish Nation from the Times of Its Conversion to Christianity”), which records events up to 1386. Aided in this task by King Stanisław II August Poniatowski (Stanisław II August Poniatowski), who obtained many documents from archives abroad, Naruszewicz used as many primary sources as possible and included not only accounts of kings and battles but also descriptions of the economic, social, and cultural life of each period.

Additional Reading
Neomisia Rutkowska, Bishop Adam Naruszewicz and His History of the Polish Nation (1941, reprinted 1973).

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Universalium. 2010.

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