Napier, Sir Charles James

Napier, Sir Charles James

British general and colonial governor
born August 10, 1782, London, England
died August 29, 1853, Portsmouth, Hampshire

      British general, who conquered (1843) Sind (Sindh) (now in Pakistan) and served as its governor (184347).

      Napier, a relative of the statesman Charles James Fox (Fox, Charles James), was a veteran of the (Iberian) Peninsular War against Napoleonic France and of the War of 1812 (1812, War of) against the United States. From 1822 to 1830 he was a military resident of Cephalonia, in the Ionian Islands. In 1839, when the Chartist agitation for political and social reform threatened to lead to violence, Napier was given command in northern England, where, by tempering his sympathy for the industrial workers with insistence on law and order, he kept a dangerous situation under control for two years.

      In 1841 Napier went to India, and in August 1842 he was assigned to the Sind command, subordinate to Edward Law, earl of Ellenborough (Ellenborough, Edward Law, earl of, Viscount Southam of Southam, Baron Ellenborough of Ellenborough), governor-general of India (184144). In February 1843 Ellenborough forced the armies of Sind to sign a treaty providing for the permanent annexation of British-occupied bases in Sind and for the transfer of large northern areas to Bahawalpur in the event that Napier found the Sindi emirs (rulers) disloyal. Soon convincing himself that some of them were untrustworthy, Napier provoked a war, and, after winning major battles at Miani (February 17) and Dabo (Dubba), near Hyderabad (March 24), he was knighted and made governor of Sind. After the victory at Miani, he is said to have sent a dispatch consisting of one word, “Peccavi” (Latin:I have sinned”—i.e., “I have Sind.”). As governor, Napier established a model police force, encouraged trade, and began work on a breakwater and water-supply facilities for Karachi. He also repulsed marauding hill tribes on the northern Sindi border.

      Having left for England in 1847, Napier returned to India in 1849 as commander in chief in the Second Sikh War (184849), but the conflict had ended by the time he arrived. A quarrel with the governor-general, James Ramsay, 1st marquess of Dalhousie, caused him to leave India finally in 1851.

      A bronze statue of Napier by the sculptor G.G. Adams stands in Trafalgar Square, London.

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