Nana Sahib

Nana Sahib

▪ Indian rebel
byname  of Dhondu Pant  
born c. 1820
died c. 1859, , Nepal

      a prominent leader in the Indian Mutiny of 1857. Although he did not plan the outbreak, he assumed leadership of the sepoys (British-employed Indian soldiers).

      Adopted in 1827 by Bājī Rāo II, the last Marāthā peshwa (prince), Nana Sahib was educated as a Hindu nobleman. On the death of the exiled Bājī Rāo in 1852, he inherited Bājī Rāo's home in Bithūr (now in Uttar Pradesh) rent-free, and his private property. Although Nana Sahib's adoptive father had pleaded that his £80,000-a-year life pension be extended to Nana Sahib, the British governor-general of India, Lord Dalhousie, refused. Nana Sahib sent an agent, Azimullah Khan, to London to push his claims, but without success. On his return, Azimullah told Nana Sahib he was unimpressed by supposed British military strength in the Crimea against Russia.

      This report, the refusal of his claim, and threats of the sepoys led him to join the sepoy battalions at Cawnpore (Kānpur) in rebellion in June 1857. He had sent Sir Hugh Wheeler, commander of British forces at Cawnpore, a letter warning of the attack—a sardonic gesture to his former friends. A safe conduct given to the British under General Wheeler by Nana Sahib was broken on June 27, and British women and children were massacred at Nana Sahib's palace. Lacking military knowledge, he could not command the mutinous sepoys, though he had the satisfaction of being declared peshwa in July 1857 by Tantia Topi and his followers after the capture of Gwalior. Defeated by General Henry Havelock and in December 1857 by Sir Colin Campbell, he appointed a nephew, Rao Sahib, to give orders to Tantia. Nana Sahib was driven in 1859 into the Nepal hills, where he is thought to have died.

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