

      city, northwestern Israel. It lies on the Mediterranean coast halfway between ʿAkko (Acre) and the Lebanese border at Rosh ha-Niqra. The name comes from the Hebrew nahar (“river”) and is an allusion to the Gaʿaton River, which flows through the heart of the city.

      Nahariyya was founded in 1934 as an agricultural settlement by German-Jewish refugees. It rapidly developed as a resort, based on a fine sand beach and equable seaside climate, and remains one of Israel's favourite vacation areas. In recent years, industry has developed; principal manufactures are cutting tools and tips, processed foods, and finished textiles. In 1947, during excavation for the foundations of a house, the ruins of a Canaanite temple of the 16th century BC, dedicated to the worship of the goddess Astarte, were found. Inc. 1961. Pop. (2006 est.) 50,300.

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Universalium. 2010.

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