Nadel, S.F.

Nadel, S.F.

British anthropologist
in full  Siegfried Frederick Nadel 
born April 24, 1903, Vienna
died Jan. 14, 1956, Canberra, Australia

      Austrian-born British anthropologist whose investigations of African ethnology led him to explore theoretical questions.

      Before turning to anthropology Nadel pursued musical interests. He wrote a biography of the Italian composer Ferruccio Benvenuto Busoni and a work on musical typology, and he toured with his own opera company. In 1932 he entered the London School of Economics, encountering anthropologists C.G. Seligman and Bronisław Malinowski. He made his first expedition to the Nupe and other Nigerian peoples (193436) and then examined the Nuba of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (193840). His first major work, A Black Byzantium (1942), dealing with the Nupe, presented the theoretical basis of his ethnographic method. In The Nuba (1947) he examined structural constants shared by ten tribal groups.

      Nadel was a reader in anthropology at the University of Durham in England (194850) and professor of anthropology at the University of Canberra (195056). Apart from Nupe Religion (1954), his other works are theoretical and reveal the influence of, among others, Malinowski, the sociologist Max Weber, the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, and the psychologist Kurt Koffka. In The Foundations of Social Anthropology (1951) he asserted that the main task of the science is to explain as well as to describe aim-controlled, purposive behaviour. Suggesting that sociological facts emerge from psychological facts, he indicated that full explanations are to be derived from psychological exploration of motivation and consciousness. In his posthumous Theory of Social Structure (1958), sometimes regarded as one of the 20th century's foremost theoretical works in the social sciences, Nadel examined social roles, which he considered to be crucial in the analysis of social structure.

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  • Nadel — Sf std. (9. Jh.), mhd. nādel(e), nālde, ahd. nādala, nādel, nālda, as. nāthla Stammwort. Aus g. * nǣþlō f. Nadel , auch in gt. neþla, anord. nál, ae. nǣdl, afr. nēdl, nēlde. Instrumentalbildung zu nähen ( Mittel zum Nähen ), dann nach der spitzen …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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