Na-Dené languages

Na-Dené languages

      major grouping (phylum or superstock) of North American Indian languages, consisting of three language familiesAthabascan (or Athapascan), Haida, and Tlingitwith a total of 22 languages. Of these languages 20 belong to the Athabascan family; they are spoken in the Northwest Territory, the Yukon, and adjacent parts of Canada, west to Cook Inlet in Alaska; in two isolated areas of the Pacific coast (southwestern Oregon and northern California); and in the southwestern United States (mostly in New Mexico and Arizona). Tlingit and Haida are each single languages making up separate families; they are spoken, respectively, in southeastern Alaska and British Columbia. The major language of the Na-Dené group is Navajo (Navajo language), spoken by large Indian populations in Arizona and New Mexico. It is one of the few North American Indian languages whose speakers are increasing in number. Other large languages of the phylum are Western Apache, spoken in western Arizona, and the Chipewyan dialects of the Northwest Territories in Canada.

      Characteristic of many American Indian languages is a polysynthetic word structure, in which words are made up of many so-called bound elements (which cannot stand by themselves but only in conjunction with other elements). A single polysynthetic word may incorporate the information it would take an entire sentence to say in English. The Na-Dené languages are somewhat polysynthetic, although not as much so as the Algonquian or Eskimo languages; words are often built up from a number of loosely bound elements. More typical of the Na-Dené languages, however, is the use of tones to distinguish otherwise identical words. Navajo uses two pitches in this wayhigh, represented by an acute accent (´), and low, represented by a grave accent (ˋ). Thus, in Navajo, yààzííd meansyou pour it down,” and yààzììd meansI have poured it down.” Other characteristics of the Na-Dené languages are a clear distinction between active and static verbs, a greater emphasis on verb aspect and voice than on tense, and frequent derivation of verbs from nouns.

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Universalium. 2010.

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