

also spelled  Mozabite,  also called  Mʾzab, or Beni Mʾzab,  

      member of a Berber people who inhabit the Mʾzab oases of southern Algeria. Members of the Ibāḍīyah subsect of the Muslim Khārijite sect, the Mʾzabites are descendants of the Ibāḍī followers of ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān ibn Rustam, who were driven from Tiaret (now Tagdempt) and took refuge (probably in the 9th century) in the desert. According to tradition, they arrived at Sedrata, near present-day Ouargla, in 911, and a century later, choosing, for reasons of defense, the most inhospitable region that they could find, they settled along the Wadi Mʾzab, their first settlement being El-Ateuf, in approximately 1010.

      The form of Islām practiced by the Mʾzabites is extremely strict, egalitarian, and separatist. No non-Ibāḍī is admitted into a Mʾzabite mosque. The code of morals is rigid, and the standards of religious purity are high. For this reason, Mʾzabites do not marry outside their sect, and in consequence they are physically quite homogeneous, tending to be short and thickset and to have a short, broad face. The women are heavily veiled and never leave the community. The men, however, are found throughout Algeria, running small businesses, often groceries, but returning to the oasis periodically. The Mʾzabites produce a variety of handicrafts, including pottery, brassware, jewelry, and carpets; there is a carpet festival in the spring.

      An immense palm grove, the result of perfected methods of cultivation, provides work for the population between May and December. Scientific approaches to the distribution of water (according to a strict and complicated code) and the construction of dams have been effectively carried out, and the lushness of the Mʾzab gardens is legendary.

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