Muʿtaḍid, al-

Muʿtaḍid, al-

ʿAbbāsid caliph [died 902]
died 902

      one of the greatest of the ʿAbbāsid caliphs (reigned 892902), known especially for his ruthless skill in dealing with competing provincial dynasties, sects, and factions.

      The son of al-Muwaffaq, al-Muʿtaḍid was coregent, with al-Muʿtamid, in his father's last years. He became caliph on al-Muʿtamid's death in 892, having forced him to disinherit his own son. As caliph, al-Muʿtaḍid reorganized the administration and reformed finances. He concluded a peace with the Ṭūlūnids (Ṭūlūnid Dynasty) by marrying their caliph's daughter and dealt cruelly with many other factional dynasties that had appeared, including the Dulafids, Ṣaffārids, and ʿAlids. By playing factions against each other, he increased the influence of the Hamdānids and Sāmānids. But al-Muʿtaḍid's troops were defeated by the Qarmaṭians, a schismatic sect and political movement, and he soon died. He was, according to some sources, poisoned in a palace intrigue.

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Universalium. 2010.

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