Müller, Karl Otfried

Müller, Karl Otfried

German scholar
born Aug. 28, 1797, Brieg, Silesia [now in Poland]
died Aug. 1, 1840, Athens

      German professor and scholar of classical Greek studies whose considerations of ancient Greece in a broad historical and cultural context began an important era in the development of Hellenic scholarship.

      Müller was a pupil of August Boeckh, founder of a famous school of philology. His first published work, Aegineticorum liber (1817; “On the Isle of Aegina”), was of such brilliance that within two years he was made adjunct professor of ancient literature at the University of Göttingen (1819), where he lectured on archaeology and the history of ancient art. His most important work, Geschichten hellenischer Stämme und Städte (1820; “History of Greek Peoples and Cities”), provides a cultural history of the civilizations of ancient Greece and emphasizes the study of myths, successfully combining the historical and allegorical methods. His other works include numerous archaeological papers, historical surveys on the Dorians and Etruscans, and valuable methodological studies. Among the more noteworthy are his Prolegomena zu einer wissenschaftlichen Mythologie (1825; “Prolegomena to a Scientific Mythology”), which prepared the way for the scientific investigation of myths, and his edition of Aeschylus' Eumenides (1833), in which he attacks the prevalent philological criticisms of the classics. As political troubles made his position at Göttingen difficult, Müller left Germany for archaeological visits in Greece, where he succumbed to fever.

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