Mufti, Saʿid al-

Mufti, Saʿid al-

▪ prime minister of Jordan
born c. 1898, Amman, Ottoman Empire [now in Jordan]
died March 25, 1989

      Jordanian politician, three-time prime minister (April–December 1950, May–December 1955, May–June 1956), and leader of the influential non-Arab Circassian community in Jordan.

      Al-Mufti and other members of the minority Circassian community were among the first to welcome ʿAbdullāh (Abdullāh Iʿ) to Amman upon his recognition as leader of the newly created emirate of Transjordan, and in 1921 ʿAbdullāh's headquarters were temporarily located in al-Mufti's own house. In 1924 al-Mufti entered local government service in Amman, where he vigorously opposed British rule. As a strong Hāshimite loyalist, al-Mufti refused to support any policy he viewed as anti-Arab. Mufti was generally respected by the Palestinians living in Jordan; indeed, held in high esteem by individuals in many sectors of Jordanian society, he was often selected to fill cabinet positions, including minister of communications (1944) and interior minister. After the formal annexation of the West Bank (1949–50), he served as prime minister and later deputy prime minister. During the controversy over Jordan's possible membership in the Baghdad Pact mutual security organization (1955–56), al-Mufti was recalled as prime minister by King Ḥussein (Ḥussein) in an effort to regain public support. In 1963 he left the cabinet to become the president of the Senate, a position he held until 1974.

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