Mozambique Conventions

Mozambique Conventions

South African-Mozambican history
      series of agreements concerning relations between South Africa and Mozambique. The initial convention, concluded between Portugal and the Transvaal republic in 1875, provided for commercial relations between the parties and the building of a railroad between Lourenço Marques in Mozambique and the Transvaal. After the annexation of the Transvaal by Great Britain in 1877, the convention was recognized by Britain and Portugal in 1882 and reaffirmed in 1901. A new convention, in 1909, between Portugal and the governor of the Transvaal, included provisions for the recruitment of labourers in Mozambique for work in the Transvaal mines. These provisions were revised in a convention of 1928 between Portugal and the Union of South Africa. Further revisions were made later, notably in 1934 and 1964.

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Universalium. 2010.

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