Motion Picture Association of America

Motion Picture Association of America

      (MPAA), in the United States, organization of the major motion-picture studios that rates films for suitability to various kinds of audiences, aids the studios in international distribution, advises them on taxation, and carries on a nationwide public relations program for the film industry. The MPAA, originally called the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), was established in 1922 by the major Hollywood production studios in response to increasing government censorship of films, which arose in turn from a general public outcry against both indecency on the screen and various scandals involving motion-picture celebrities. The MPPDA, popularly called the Hays Office for its first director, Will H. Hays (Hays, Will H.) (q.v.), codified the complaints of local censoring boards and informed producers of their views. Hollywood in effect opted to censor its own productions rather than allow the government to censor them.

      In 1930 the Hays Office adopted the Motion Picture Production Code, a detailed description of what was morally acceptable on the screen. The code was liberalized in 1966 after it had become hopelessly outdated and ineffective because of the more relaxed social and sexual mores of the time. In 1968 the MPAA set up a rating board that classified films as G, M, R, and X. After various changes, the MPAA ratings are now as follows: G, for general audiences; PG, parental guidance suggested; PG-13, parents strongly cautioned, because film contains material inappropriate for children under 13; R, restricted to adults and to children under 17 accompanied by parent or guardian; and NC-17, no children under 17 admitted. Jack Valenti, a former adviser to U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, headed the MPAA from 1966.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Motion Picture Association of America — Le logo de la MPAA. La Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) est une association interprofessionnelle qui défend les intérêts de l industrie cinématographique américaine sur le territoire des États Unis. Les six principaux studios… …   Wikipédia en Français

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