Moscow Canal — The canal just north of Moscow, passing through the reservoirs The Moscow Canal (Russian: Канал имени Москвы), named the Moscow Volga Canal until the year 1947, is a canal that connects the Moskva River with the main transportation artery of… … Wikipedia
Moscow Oblast — Московская область (Russian) Oblast … Wikipedia
Moscow-Riga Railroad Bridge — is a concrete arch bridge that spans Moscow Canal between Tushino and Shchukino Districts in northwestern Moscow, Russia. The bridge does not have an official name and is sometimes styled as Railroad bridge over Moscow Canal. It was completed in… … Wikipedia
Moscow — /mos koh/ or, for 1, 2, / kow/, n. 1. Russian, Moskva. a city in and the capital of the Russian Federation, in the W part: capital of the former Soviet Union. 8,967,000. 2. Also called Grand Duchy of Moscow. Muscovy (def. 1). 3. a city in W Idaho … Universalium
Moscow Triumphal Gate — The Moscow Triumphal Gate (Russian: Московские Триумфальные ворота, Moskovskiye Triumfalnye vorota) is a Neoclassical triumphal arch in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The monument built mainly in cast iron was erected in 1834 1838 in the me … Wikipedia
Canal Moscou-Volga — Canal de Moscou Canal de Moscou Канал имени Москвы (Kanal imeni Moskvy) Canal de Moscou à travers des réservoirs. Caractéristiques Longueur 128 km Nombre d écluses 8 … Wikipédia en Français
Moscow Canoeing and Rowing Basin — The venue in March 2008. The Moscow Canoeing and Rowing Basin is a canoe sprint and rowing venue located in the Krylayskote Sports Complex in Moscow, Russia. Constructed in 1973, the venue hosted the canoeing and rowing competitions for the 1980… … Wikipedia
Canal de Marseille — The Canal de Marseille [Not to be confused with the canal de Marseille au Rhône , used for navigation or with the canal de Provence, which is the second source of drinking water for Marseille] is a major source of drinking water for the city of… … Wikipedia
Moscow Peace Treaty — For the treaty ending the Continuation War in 1944, see Moscow Armistice. Areas ceded by Finland to the Soviet Union The Moscow Peace Treaty was signed by Finland and the Soviet Union on 12 March 1940, and the ratifications were exchanged on 21… … Wikipedia
Vodootvodny Canal — ( ru. Водоотводный канал, Water bypass canal) is a 4 kilometer long, 30 60 meter wide canal in downtown Moscow, Russia. It was built in 1780s on a site of old Moskva River bed to control floods and support shipping. Canal construction created an… … Wikipedia