Monumenta Germaniae Historica
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica
▪ German history
Latin: “
Historical Monuments of the Germans”),
and critically edited collection of sources pertaining to German history from about AD 500 to 1500.
The work was begun by German scholars in the early 19th century as a result of rising nationalistic feeling,
and it gave impetus to similar endeavours by historians in other European countries.
The most important antecedent of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica was the Monarchia romani imperii, a collection of documents on German medieval history compiled by Melchior Goldast (
The initiator of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica was Karl Freiherr vom Stein (
leading early 19th-
century German statesman and reformer,
after retiring from politics in 1816,
exercised his patriotic energies in stirring up interest in German history.
He founded,
at Frankfurt am Main in 1819,
the Gesellschaft für Deutschlands Ältere Geschichtskunde (
Society for Earlier German Historiography).
The success of his project was in large measure due to the scholarly capability and energy of Georg Heinrich Pertz (
whom Stein enlisted as editor and put in charge of the work in 1823.
Under Pertz'
s half century of editorship and collaboration with leading German scholars,
20 volumes of sources were published;
100 more were to follow,
the last of which was issued in 1925.
The documents in the Monumenta Germaniae Historica are classified according to the following categories: scriptores, leges, diplomata, epistolae, and antiquitates. The work was a seminal undertaking that set a high standard of scholarship for later generations of historians producing similar collections.
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