

 in Islamic legend, the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad into heaven. In this legend, Muhammad is prepared for his meeting with God by the archangels Jibrīl and Mīkāl one evening while he is asleep in the Kaʿbah, the sacred shrine of Mecca. They open up his body and purify his heart by removing all traces of error, doubt, idolatry, and paganism and by filling it with wisdom and belief. In the original version of the Miʿrāj, the prophet is then transported by Jibrīl directly to the lowest heaven. But early in Muslim history the story of the ascension came to be associated with the story of Muhammad's night journey ( Isrāʾ) from thesacred place of worship” (Mecca) to thefurther place of worship” (Jerusalem). The two separate incidents were gradually combined so that chronologically the purification of Muhammad in his sleep begins the sequence; he is then transported in a single night from Mecca to Jerusalem by the winged mythical creature Burāq, and from Jerusalem he ascends to heaven, possibly by ladder (miʿrāj), accompanied by Jibrīl.

      Muhammad and Jibrīl enter the first heaven and proceed through all seven levels until they reach the throne of God. Along the way they meet the prophets Adam (Adam and Eve), Yaḥyā (John (John the Baptist, Saint)), ʿĪsā (Jesus (Jesus Christ)), Yūsuf ( Joseph), Idrīs, Hārūn ( Aaron), Mūsā ( Moses), and Ibrāhīm (Abraham) and visit hell and paradise. Mūsā alone of all the inhabitants of heaven speaks at any length to the visitors; he says that Muhammad is more highly regarded by God than himself and that Muhammad's following outnumbers his own. Once Muhammad appears before Godthere is some question as to whether he actually saw himhe is told to recite the salat (ritual prayer) 50 times each day. Mūsā, however, advises Muhammad to plead for a reduction of the number as being too difficult for believers, and the obligation is eventually reduced to five prayers each day.

      Muhammad's Miʿrāj has been a constant source of speculation among Muslims. Some state that the ascension was merely a dream; others speculate that only Muhammad's soul entered heaven, while his body remained on earth. Parallels have been drawn between the Miʿrāj and the manner in which a dead man's soul will progress to judgment at God's throne; the Sufis (Muslim mystics) claim it describes the soul's leap into mystic knowledge. Popularly the ascension is celebrated with readings of the legend on the 27th day of Rajab, called Laylat al-Miʿrāj (“Night of the Ascension”).

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