Milescu, Nicolae

Milescu, Nicolae

Moldavian scholar
born 1636, Vaslui, Moldavia [now in Romania]
died 1708, Moscow

      Moldavian writer, scholar, and traveler.

      After studies at the Greek patriarchate college in Constantinople, he returned in 1653 to Iaşi (Jassy), Moldavia, and was appointed secretary to Prince Gheorghe Ştefan. Hoping to be appointed prince of Moldavia, he intrigued against Prince Ilias Alexandru, who in 1668 punished him by cutting his nose. So disgraced, Milescu left his native country, never to return. He revisited Constantinople, where his friend Dositheos, patriarch of Jerusalem, gave him a letter to Tsar Alexis (Aleksey Mikhaylovich). He traveled to Moscow, where he arrived in 1671 and was appointed translator to the posolski prikaz (foreign office) as Nikolay Gavrilovich Spafari. He gained the confidence of two boyars (aristocrats) who had great influence with the tsar and in 1675 was sent as ambassador to Peking, returning in January 1678. In the meantime, Alexis had been succeeded by his son Fedor III, and Spafari-Milescu lost his official position. He was not compensated for his mission to China until 1693, under Peter I.

      A highly educated man who could write in Greek, Latin, Romanian, and Russian, Milescu left many manuscripts. He translated the Bible from Greek into Romanian; and the Bible printed in 1688 by the Walachian prince Şerban Cantacuzino was based on his translation. Among his writings the most valuable is the Puteshestviye cherez Sibir . . . do Kitaya (“Journey Across Siberia . . . to China”). It was printed in 1882 (Eng. trans. in J. Baddeley's Russia, Mongolia, China, vol. 2, 1919).

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