Michael IV

Michael IV

▪ Byzantine emperor
byname  Michael The Paphlagonian  
died Dec. 10, 1041, Constantinople

      Byzantine emperor during whose seven-year reign an important treaty was signed with the Fāṭimid Caliphate of Egypt, temporary gains were made in Sicily, and a revolt in Bulgaria was suppressed.

      A man of humble origin, Michael owed his elevation to his brother John the Orphanotrophus, an influential and capable eunuch, who brought him to court where the old Macedonian empress Zoe fell in love with him and married him on the death of her husband, Romanus III, in April 1034.

      A 30 years' peace was signed with the Fāṭimid (Fāṭimid Dynasty) Caliphate (c. 1037), thus ending a period of hostilities. Byzantium and Egypt each agreed not to aid the enemies of the other. The Byzantine emperor received permission to renovate the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem at his own expense, and he might also have received the right to appoint the patriarch of Jerusalem. In return, Michael released 5,000 Muslim prisoners.

      During Michael's reign, Byzantine conquests were made in Sicily, including the capture of Messina (1037) and Syracuse (1040); but these were only temporary. In the Balkans, Michael failed to subdue the ruler of Zeta, but he quelled a rebellion in the Bulgarian provinces.

      When Michael ascended the throne, he was suffering from epilepsy, a condition that continually worsened. When he returned from the Bulgarian campaign, he was mortally ill, and he retired to the monastery of SS. Cosmas and Damian.

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