Mercy, Claudius Florimund, Graf von
- Mercy, Claudius Florimund, Graf von
▪ Austrian field marshal
(count of), Mercy also spelled Merci
born 1666, Lorraine
died June 29, 1734, Parma, Italy
Austrian field marshal and military governor of the Banat of Temesvár, one of the ablest commanders during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–14) and the Turkish wars of 1716–18.
Mercy entered the Austrian army in 1682,
and distinguished himself in Hungary and Italy as a resolute and versatile cavalry commander.
After the outbreak of the War of the Spanish Succession (
which involved most European powers on the death of the last Habsburg king of Spain,
s conduct at the Battle of Cremona (
February 1702),
on the Rhine front (
in Bavaria (
and in raids into France (
added to his reputation.
When Austria resumed its struggle against the Ottoman Empire in 1716,
Mercy contributed substantially to Prince Eugene of Savoy'
s victories at Peterwardein (
August 1716),
Belgrade (
and the conquest of the Banat of Temesvár.
Named governor of that eastern frontier region,
he remained in Hungary,
except for a short campaign in Sicily (
until 1734.
Mercy strengthened the Banat'
s defenses and rebuilt the economy through the introduction of new settlers,
the construction of roads,
and the institution of sound government.
Once again called to Italy in 1734,
he was killed in battle at Parma.
* * *
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