Mendès, Catulle

Mendès, Catulle

French author
born May 22, 1841, Bordeaux, France
died Feb. 9, 1909, Paris
 prolific French poet, playwright, and novelist, most noted for his association with the Parnassians (Parnassian), a group of French poets who advocated a controlled, formal art for art's sake in reaction to the formlessness of Romanticism.

      A banker's son, Mendès founded La Revue fantaisiste (1861), which became a vehicle for the late works of Théophile Gautier (whose daughter Mendès married in 1866 but left soon afterward) and such poets as Charles Baudelaire and Villiers de L'Isle-Adam. Mendès edited Le Parnasse contemporain (1866, 1871, 1876; “The Contemporary Parnassians”), which named their movement, and he became their historian in La Légende du Parnasse contemporain. He also encouraged members of a younger generation of poets who were to found the Symbolist movement.

      Mendès' Poésies (1892) and Poésies nouvelles (1893) imitate many other poets, and it is difficult to tell his verse from theirs. His plays Les Mères ennemies (1882; “The Enemy Mothers”) and La Femme de Tabarin (1887; “The Woman of Tabarin”) were more successful. He also wrote several novels and licentious tales, such as Pour lire au bain (“Readings for the Bath”). Rapport sur le mouvement poétique français de 18671900 (1902; “Thoughts on the French Poetic Movement of 18671900”) is a critical work.

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