

Athenian statesman [flourished mid-6th century BC]

flourished 6th century BC

      the leader of one of the parties that struggled for control of Athens during the period between the archonship of Solon and the establishment of Peisistratus' tyranny.

      Megacles was grandson to that Megacles who directed the slaughter of Cylon and his supporters on the Acropolis (612 BC). That bloody act resulted in the banishment of his family. The elder Megacles' son Alcmaeon may have taken refuge at this time in Sicyon under Cleisthenes' protection. That tyrant's daughter Agariste was married to Alcmaeon's son Megacles, who thus won out over other suitors from all parts of Greece. Though the Alcmaeonids (Alcmaeonid Family) were subsequently allowed to return to Athens, the family was still considered stained by blood-guilt.

      Among the Athenian political parties, Megacles' faction was known as the party of the Coast. The party of the Plain was led by Lycurgus. The unsettled political conditions that resulted from these parties' factional struggles tempted Peisistratus to seize power in 560/559 BC, but the two parties promptly combined to expel him.

      Within five years Peisistratus had achieved a reconciliation with Megacles, who not only helped to restore his power in Athens but gave to Peisistratus his daughter Coesyra. The tyrant mistreated his wife, however, and the Alcmaeonids and Lycurgus once more threw him out. This time Peisistratus assembled an army and invaded Attica. Megacles and his clan were once more banished; and, though he and, after him, his son Cleisthenes continued to plot against Peisistratus, they did not succeed during the tyrant's lifetime.

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