Medvedev, Roy Aleksandrovich

Medvedev, Roy Aleksandrovich

Soviet historian and dissident
born Nov. 14, 1925, Tbilisi, Georgia, U.S.S.R. [now in Georgia]

      Soviet historian and dissident who was one of his country's foremost historiographers in the later 20th century.

      Roy was the identical twin brother of the biologist Zhores Medvedev (Medvedev, Zhores Aleksandrovich). Their father was arrested in 1938 during one of Joseph Stalin's purges, and he died in a labour camp in 1941. This tragedy sparked Roy Medvedev's lifelong interest in the Soviet political system and its history. He graduated from Leningrad State University in 1951 and earned the equivalent of a Ph.D. degree from the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in Moscow in 1958. Medvedev then worked as a history teacher, a secondary-school administrator, and an editor before serving as a senior researcher at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in the 1960s. He was a member of the Communist Party from 1956 until his expulsion from the party in 1969. From 1971 he worked as a freelance writer based in Moscow and had his works published abroad. Roy was less severely harassed by the Soviet authorities than was his brother Zhores.

      As a historian, Medvedev examined Soviet politics and its leading personalities from the period of the Russian Revolution to the 1960s. Perhaps his most important book, Let History Judge (1971), is a comprehensive historical study of Stalinism, with particular attention paid to that movement's origins and consequences. His books Khrushchev: The Years in Power (1976; coauthored with Zhores), Khrushchev (1983), and Khrushchev: A Political Biography (1986) are landmark biographies of that Soviet leader, while All Stalin's Men (1984) presents biographies of six of Stalin's lieutenants who managed to survive him. In On Socialist Democracy (1975), Medvedev presented his own political views, calling for both democratic reforms and the continuation of the Soviet system of state socialism.

      With the easing of censorship under the reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev in the late 1980s, Medvedev's books were published in his own country for the first time, and he emerged as a leading independent historian in the Soviet Union.

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Universalium. 2010.

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