Medina del Campo, Treaty of
- Medina del Campo, Treaty of
▪ Spain-England [1489]
treaty between Spain and England,
although never fully accepted by either side,
established the dominating themes in Anglo-
Spanish relations in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
It was signed at Medina del Campo,
in northern Spain,
on March 27 and ratified by Ferdinand of (
Ferdinand II)
Aragon and Isabella (
Isabella I)
of Castile the following day.
It settled the details of a proposed marriage between the infanta Catherine,
the youngest daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella,
and Arthur (
the eldest son of the English king Henry VII.
It also effected a mutual reduction of tariffs between the two countries and attempted to arrive at a common policy in opposition to France.
The terms of the anti-
French alliance were unacceptable to Henry VII,
who ratified it (
with amendments that were in turn rejected by Spain.
The marriage was renegotiated in 1496 on terms similar to those proposed in 1489.
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