McCrea, Jane

McCrea, Jane

North American colonist
born c. 1752, Bedminster [now Lamington], N.J. [U.S.]
died July 27, 1777, Fort Edward, N.Y., U.S.
 American colonial figure whose death aroused anti-British feeling and helped sway opinion and stir action in the colonies toward independence.

      McCrea, a tall, attractive woman, was courted by David Jones. In 1776 Jones was one of several Tories in the area to join the British army. In the summer of 1777 the approach of a large British force under General John Burgoyne (Burgoyne, John) down Lake Champlain and the Hudson River valley and the consequent abandonment of Fort Ticonderoga and Fort Edward by colonial defenders caused a panic among the remaining settlers, who quickly began to evacuate southward. McCrea declined to leave, however, because she had received a letter from Jones, by then a lieutenant with Burgoyne, saying that he hoped soon to see her at Fort Edward. Later legend has it that they were to be married at that time.

      On the morning of July 27, 1777, McCrea visited a friend, Sarah McNeil, who was preparing to leave Fort Edward for safety. About noon the two women were captured by some Native American scouts whom Burgoyne had employed as an advance force. McNeil was delivered safely to British hands, but McCrea was later discovered dead, several bullet wounds in her body, and scalped. Her captors claimed she had been killed by a stray bullet from a colonial detachment, but it was generally accepted that one of the scouts had killed her. The murder and scalping sent a shock of horror through the colonies; it was even felt in England, where in the House of Commons Edmund Burke (Burke, Edmund) denounced the use of Indian allies. In America the deed galvanized patriotic sentiment, swung waverers against the British, and encouraged a tide of enlistments that helped end Burgoyne's invasion three months later. The tale of Jane McCrea became a favourite and was much romanticized in popular versions by such authors as Philip Freneau, Joel Barlow, and Delia S. Bacon.

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