

      village, County Kildare, Ireland, situated 15 miles (24 km) west of Dublin. Historic remains in the locality include those of a castle built by Gerald FitzMaurice (died 1203) and an early manorial church that has been incorporated into the Church of Ireland (Ireland, Church of). In medieval times Maynooth was at the perimetre of the English pale. St. Patrick's College at Maynooth is the largest Roman Catholic seminary in the British Isles; it was established in 1795 on the site of a college founded by the earl of Kildare in the 16th century and is now part of the National University of Ireland. The university, with some 5,000 students, is central to the village's cultural life. In 1979 Pope John Paul II visited the university. At the east end of the town is the scenic Carton estate, the former residence of the dukes of Leinster. Carton House, designed in Neoclassic style, was built about 1740. Over the last several decades of the 20th century, the village experienced rapid population growth. Pop. (1996) 9,286; (2002) 10,151.

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