Maximinus, Galerius Valerius
- Maximinus, Galerius Valerius
▪ emperor of Rome
original name Daia
died 313, Tarsus, Cilicia
Roman emperor from 310 to 313 and a persistent persecutor of the Christians (
He was a nephew of Galerius,
one of the two men named augustus after the abdication of Diocletian and Maximian.
Originally a shepherd, Maximinus joined the army and advanced rapidly through the ranks. On May 1, 305, the date of the abdications, he was proclaimed caesar to Galerius and assigned to rule Syria and Egypt. After Galerius elevated Licinius to the rank of augustus in 308, a resentful Maximinus had his troops proclaim him augustus. Galerius recognized the title in 309 or 310.
Maximinus was a fervent pagan. In 306 and again in 308 he ordered a general sacrifice to the pagan gods; Christian recusants were mutilated and sent to the mines and quarries. (Outside of Egypt there were few executions.) In 311 he grudgingly accepted Galerius's edict of toleration for Christians but still endeavoured to organize and revitalize paganism. Cities and provinces were encouraged to petition for expulsion of Christians from their territories, and the Acts of Pilate, an anti-Christian forgery, was taught in the schools. In the autumn of 312 Maximinus relaxed his persecutions somewhat, and shortly before his death in 313 he granted full toleration and the restoration of the confiscated church property.
On Galerius's death in 311, Maximinus occupied Asia Minor. In 313 he invaded Licinius's dominions in Thrace but, defeated at Tzurulum, was forced to retreat into Asia Minor, where he committed suicide in Tarsus.
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