

Roman emperor
Latin in full  Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius  
died 312

      Roman emperor from 306 to 312. His father, the emperor Maximian, abdicated with Diocletian in 305. In the new tetrarchy (two augusti with a caesar under each) that was set up after these abdications, Maxentius was passed over in favour of Flavius Valerius Severus (Severus), who was made a caesar, and then, in 306, an augustus. But discontent with the policies of Severus at Rome caused Maxentius to be proclaimed princeps there on Oct. 28, 306, by the Praetorian Guard. In 307 he took the title augustus.

      Maximian, recalled to the throne to support Maxentius, defeated and killed Severus in 307. In 308, however, father and son quarreled, and Maximian sought refuge with Constantine, who had been Maximian's ally since Maximian had married his daughter Fausta to Constantine and designated him augustus in 307. Maxentius at first controlled Italy and Africa but not Spain, which was controlled by Constantine. In 308 the vicar of Africa, Lucius Domitius Alexander, revolted and proclaimed himself augustus. Africa was recovered by Maxentius's praetorian prefect, but Maxentius was killed by Constantine at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312.

      Because the sources from this period reflect the propaganda of Constantine, they represent Maxentius as a brutal tyrant, although in actuality he stopped the persecution of the Christians. He built a huge basilica, which Constantine renamed after himself, and a temple to his son Romulus in the Roman Forum.

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