Mavrokordátos, Aléxandros

Mavrokordátos, Aléxandros

Greek statesman
born Feb. 11, 1791, Constantinople [now Istanbul, Tur.]
died Aug. 18, 1865, Aegina, Greece
 statesman, one of the founders and first political leaders of independent Greece.

      The scion of a Greek Phanariot house (living in the Greek quarter of Constantinople) long distinguished in the Turkish imperial service, Mavrokordátos was secretary (181217) to Ioannis Karadja, hospodar (prince) of Walachia (now in Romania), and later went into exile with his master. In 1821, however, Mavrokordátos joined the revolutionaries in Greece who had just rebelled against the Turks (Turkic peoples); despite their suspicions of his Phanariot origins, he soon established himself as head of a regional government at Missolonghi, in western Greece. During December 1821January 1822 he presided over the first National Assembly, at Epidaurus, and led in the drafting of a constitution.

      Mavrokordátos was elected first president of the Hellenic republic, but the new government exercised little actual power, and he soon returned to Missolonghi, where he conducted a successful defense against the Turks (November 1822January 1823). He represented the national government as governor-general (182325) at Missolonghi, receiving there Lord Byron, the famous English poet-partisan of the Greek cause. He later became the principal leader of the pro-English party, though he did not approve of the Greek demand for British protection (JuneJuly 1825).

      Ignored during the presidency of the Russophile Count Ioánnis Kapodístrias (182731), Mavrokordátos was appointed minister of finance (1832) and then prime minister (1833) under Greece's first king, Otto. He later served as Greek envoy in Munich, Berlin, London, and finally Constantinople. Recalled from London by the king in February 1841 to head the foreign ministry, Mavrokordátos was soon charged with the formation of a government with himself as minister of the interior (July 1841); but his reformist administration soon foundered in the face of royal absolutism, and on Aug. 20, 1841, he was forced to resign. After the revolution of 1843 he was again prime minister (1844, 185455).

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