Mauermayer, Gisela

Mauermayer, Gisela

German athlete

born Nov. 24, 1913, Munich, Ger.
died Jan. 9, 1995, Munich

      German athlete who won a gold medal for the discus throw at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, where she was portrayed by Germany's Nazi government as an ideal model of Aryan womanhood.

      Mauermayer began participating in track-and-field competitions at the age of 13. By 1930 she was competing internationally, and in 1934 she won the first women's pentathlon, at the Women's World Games; in that same year, she set a world shot put record. She became a leading discus thrower in 193536, when she set eight successive world records, the first at 44.34 m (145 feet 5 inches). Three weeks before the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, she achieved her greatest throw, 48.31 m (158 feet 5 inches), to win the German championship.

      Standing six feet tall and blonde, Mauermayer exemplified the Nazi vision of ideal Aryan beauty. She won the discus throw at the 1936 Games, as Adolf Hitler watched, and gave the Nazi salute on the victory stand. In 1938 she won 4,391 points in a pentathlon, a record that would last for nine years. After World War II she lost her teaching job as a result of her Nazi affiliation and eventually became a librarian.

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