Mathesius, Vilém

Mathesius, Vilém

Czech linguist
born August 3, 1882, Pardubice, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now in Czech Republic]
died April 12, 1945, Prague, Czech.

      Czech linguist and scholar of English language and literature. He was president of the Prague Linguistic Circle, famous for its influence on structural linguistics and for its phonological studies. Mathesius taught at Charles University in Prague, beginning in 1909 after he had received his degree in Germanic and Romance studies. He became its first professor of Anglistics in 1912.

      Three periods of intellectual activity mark Mathesius' life. Highlighting the first period is his 1911 lecture, “O potenciálnosti jevů jazykových” (“On the Potentiality of Language Phenomenon”), anticipating the Saussurean distinction betweenlangueandparoleand emphasizing the importance of synchronic (nonhistorical) language study. He also published a two-volume history of English literature (Dějiny anglické literatury; 191015) and several Shakespearean studies. From 1926 to 1936 Mathesius' interest turned to syntax and semantics. In phonology he did research on the load and combining capability of phonemes. From 1936 on, his interest was in functional syntax and the sentence.

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  • Vilém Mathesius — (* 3. August 1882 in Pardubice; † 12. April 1945 in Prag) war ein Prager Linguist, Historiker und Anglist. Nach dem Abitur in Kolín studierte Mathesius ab 1901 Slawistik, Germanistik und Romanistik und arbeitete zunächst als Gymnasiallehrer. 1909 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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