

formerly  Masulipatnam , also called  Machilipatnam  or  Bandar 

      city, eastern Andhra Pradesh state, southern India. Masulipatam was the first British trading settlement (1611) on the Bay of Bengal (Bengal, Bay of). From 1686 to 1759 the city was held by the French and Dutch, until it was finally ceded to the British, who captured the city and fort from the French in 1759. The ruined fort is still a point of interest. The city received its present name in 1949.

      Masulipatam is a railroad terminus and a seaport; it is connected to Vijayawada, to the northwest, by the Bandar Canal. The city's main industries include carpet weaving, rice and oilseed milling, and the manufacture of scientific instruments. The headquarters of the All-India Spinners' Association, several colleges affiliated with Andhra University, and an engineering institute are located there. Pop. (2001) 179,353.

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